Pest Control Services
Krypton Environmental offer services to control the following:
Here are Krypton Environmental, we are experienced in finding the root cause of rodent infestations and carrying out works to prevent further access. Rats and mice can enter the home in a variety of ways and, once inside, can cause an endless amount of damage to your home.
Chewed wiring, pipes and structural beams and diseases spread in urine, droppings and physical contact means that any rodent infestation needs to be dealt with quickly and effectively. Using poisons alone is not the answer and will result in the infestation becoming worse.
If you hear scratching in the walls or ceilings, or if you see rats in your home, contact us straight away. We will attend to carry out a full survey to find out the cause of the infestation. We will then take steps to ensure that the infestations do not reoccur. Every step and process of the treatment is discussed with our clients in detail, written in detailed reports and verbally ensuring you have full control of the treatment.
For effective rodent control, contact the experts at Krypton today.
Have you heard something rustling in your attic or loft and suspect squirrels? As adorable as squirrels might be, they can be an incredibly destructive and distressing pest to have in your home or work. Learn all about grey squirrels in our ultimate pest control guide.
Pest controllers get thousands of call-outs for squirrels every year, and this is in part due to the damage they cause to your home and the noises squirrels make at night – which can be very distressing.
Our figures suggest people have more problems with squirrels during the spring and autumn when they’re looking for food.
Grey squirrels Sciurus carolinensis are invasive pests, not native to the UK. As their numbers have increased in the UK, so to has the damage they cause. Grey squirrels are also responsible for the decline in native red squirrel Sciurus vulgaris numbers.
As well as causing physical damage and noise complaints, like other rodents, squirrels can cause contaminations.
The dangers: why we control grey squirrels
Even though the grey squirrel is widely appreciated for its grace and ‘cuteness’ by much of the UK – the pest management industry knows that there are times when the lethal control of grey squirrels is necessary.
There are three reasons we control grey squirrels:
- Their potential to damage to your home, business and health
- The destruction of UK forests
- The impact on our native wildlife, in particular the red squirrel.
Squirrel damage in your home, business and to your health
Grey squirrels can cause damage when they enter roof spaces of houses and buildings. For example, they can:
- Chew on woodwork and ceilings
- Strip insulation from electrical wires
- Tear up fibreglass insulation
- Contaminate cold water tanks with urine and droppings.
People also report sleep issues due to the loud noises they make at night while they’re scuttling around your attic. Squirrels are most active before sunrise, especially in winter, but ends well before sunset. Their peak activity is activity is four-five hours before daybreak.
Grey squirrels often associate humans with food, meaning they sometime approach people. Some people fear being attacked, however it’s very rare for a squirrel to actually attack!
In gardens and allotments, they can take fruit, raid nests of small birds and dig holes in lawns to bury food.
Signs of squirrels in your home or business
These are the seven signs easiest signs to spot when looking for evidence of squirrels in your home or loft.
- Scratching and rustling sound from your loft or a wall cavity
- Spotting droppings in the loft – although you might need a pest controller to identify these droppings
- Smell of urine in the loft area might indicate the infestation has been going on some time
- Spotting lots of other squirrels around your property, particularly near your roof or on high fences
- Fruit and nuts being stolen from bird feeders, or the feeders being disturbed/knocked over
- Bark being stripped from trees in your garden
- Holes in vents or damage to your insulation foam.
If you’ve noticed a few of these signs, then it might be time to give us a call.
Grey squirrels and our forests
Grey squirrels cause damage to trees such as beech, oak and chestnut. They strip bark at the base of trees which causes them to weaken and eventually to die.
Grey squirrels also:
- Raid birds’ nests to prey on eggs and fledglings
- Damage orchards and gardens
- Reap havoc on historic and ancient woodlands.
The European Squirrel Initiative (ESI) point out that around 12% of England is covered by trees and this is set to rise.
Woods and forests provide for carbon sequestration and help fight global warming. Timber also has an economic value and commercial forestry plays an important part in our rural economy.
The UK Forestry Commission estimates grey squirrels causes £6-10 million damage to British forestry per year.
ESI are concerned unless something is done, there will be no oak, beech, or sweet chestnut mature trees for the next generation.
The native red squirrel vs invasive grey squirrels
The grey squirrel was deliberately introduced to England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland from North America in the Victorian era. Since then, it’ colonised 90% of England and Wales and is becoming a problem in Scotland.
The Wildlife Trusts estimates there are only around 140,000 native red squirrels left in the UK, compared to 2.5 million grey squirrels.
There’s been many scientific studies that have show that the major contributing factor for the decline of the red squirrel is the introduction of its grey cousin. As well as the competition for shelter and food, grey squirrels can transmit the squirrelpox virus to red squirrels.
Once a red squirrel has squirrelpox, it’ll usually die of dehydration within 2 weeks. The grey squirrel can carry the disease, but their health is unaffected.
The grey squirrel, here in Britain and Europe, is classed as an Invasive Alien Species (IAS) and as such is recognised as being in the top worst 100 such species in the world. An IAS is any animal that is not native to the UK.
Because grey squirrels are an invasive pest species, it is against the law to re-release a grey squirrel if it’s been caught alive, per the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. That means a professional pest controller is legally obliged to dispatch any grey squirrel they catch alive.
Although we can all appreciate the joy that squirrels bring the UK fauna enthusiasts. Red squirrels are not only protected, but are much sought out because catching sight of them is so rare. Unless you’re around Scotland, Northern Ireland or the Isle of Wight, there’s a good chance you’ve never seen a red squirrel.
Grey squirrel biology, behaviour and habitat
The drey (nest) may be in a hole in a tree or set against the trunk and branches. Alternatively they can make themselves quite at home in an attic or roof space.
Pregnancy (gestation) lasts 44 days, and their young are called kittens. They usually have two litters a year, each with three to seven kittens.
Kittens are born with closed eyes, no teeth and no hair. After about seven weeks they look like small versions of their parents and are ready to leave the drey.
Squirrels moult their coat twice a year – once after winter and then in the late summer before the weather gets colder again.
Preventing squirrels getting into your property or damaging your trees
Prevention is always better than cure.
Habitat management like as cutting back trees or branches that are overhanging a building, or trimming dense ivy can help prevent squirrels gaining access to a roof in the first place.
Next consider proofing entry points to your roof. For example, block the gaps and entrances holes with tightly wedged mesh or metal plates, wherever possible. A pest controller should be able to help you with this.
For tree protection, close fitting metal sleeves can protect them from the strong rodent incisors. This should be at least 0.75m deep, and the bottom edge should be at least 1.5m from the ground.
The metal should be a smooth surface to assist in preventing the squirrel from gaining a toehold.
DIY squirrel pest control
Although you can potentially do a lot of the proofing work to stop squirrels entering your property, DIY squirrel control is unlikely to be affective – and could potentially be very dangerous.
Traps are available online, however not every rodent trap is authorised to control squirrels. Any squirrel you caught alive would have to be killed, as per the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.
Traps should never be used without adequate training.
Any squirrel that you kill would have to be done humanely and this can be very distressing.
There are no amateur use products for poisoning squirrels available to the public. Professional pest controllers do have access to legally authorised grey squirrel poisons (Warfarin only) that are only for use inside buildings
Things you can do:
- Trim tree branches that overhang your roof
- Rove anything stacked up against the side of your building
- Seal all entry points (proofing).
Finding a pest controller to get rid of squirrels.
It’s important with squirrels (as with all pest species) that a pest controller assesses whether lethal control is necessary.
To control squirrels, professionals might use:
- Spring traps
- Live capture traps
- Drey poking.
If you have a problem with squirrels at your home or work, contact Krypton Environmental for a fast and effective service 01793 780600
Moles tunnel using their large two front paws to scrape away the earth and feel along tunnels with their snouts and whiskers. Because of the absence of light within their living conditions, moles have very poor eyesight so very rarely will you see mole activity above ground.
In rural areas especially, moles can cause considerable damage to your garden/land by tunnelling through the soil. With heavy infestations, the ground can become unstable, and holes may appear not only damaging the foundations of your property but also creating safety risks.
How to get rid of Moles
Professional pest control is needed for these pests.
Methods such as tunnel trapping, gassing (Aluminium Phosphates) and even shooting (least likely method of control) can be used by a professional to control these pests. Tunnel trapping must be done with care as moles can easily detect disturbance of the tunnel and will avoid the area.
Having problems with Moles? contact krypton environmental for a fast and effective service 01793 780600.
Cockroaches are distinguished by their very long whip-like antennae, flat oval bodies and rapid, jerky walk. The adult German Cockroach is a light yellowy/brown and is 10 to 15mm long. The Oriental Cockroach is dark brown/black and is 20 to 24mm long. Immature stages of Cockroach, look exactly like adults, just on a smaller scale.
There are two main species of cockroach in Britain, Oriental and German Cockroaches.
The German Cockroach carries its egg case until the 30 or more nymphs are ready to hatch. The Oriental Cockroach deposits its 13mm long egg capsule on packaging, sacking or in suitable dark crevices before the 16 to 18 nymphs hatch around 12 weeks later. They grow in stages, from nymphs to maturity in 6 to 12 months for the Oriental Cockroach, and 6 to 12 weeks for the German Cockroach.
Cockroaches are rarely able to survive out of doors in the British climate but thrive around the heating ducts and boiler rooms of large centrally heated buildings e.g. hospitals, bakeries, hotels and restaurant kitchens, and blocks of flats. They cluster around pipes, stoves, and sinks, especially in humid areas, and will often remain hidden during the day.
Cockroaches will feed on almost anything, including refuse, faecal matter and food for consumption. They also require access to water and will be generally found in inaccessible harbourages, close to water and food. Cockroaches can survive for several months without food, but will not live for more than a few days without water.
Why control Cockroaches?
When foraging for food and water, Cockroaches can contaminate food, utensils, and preparation surfaces as they go. They taint food with an obnoxious smell and can be vectors of disease, capable of carrying the organisms which cause food poisoning in humans and many other bacteria.
Cockroaches can ruin an organisation’s reputation. If clients and customers spot evidence of cockroach infestation in the premises you manage, they are likely to complain and request a refund, report on your company negatively potentially resulting in closure by an Environmental Health officer, making it unlikely for some people to want to do business with you again.
How to prevent Cockroaches
Areas with food, water and dark spaces to hide are ideal environments for Cockroaches to live. Here few prevention tips for securing your property:
- Keep areas clean and tidy – Clean all surfaces thoroughly to remove any food residue. Try and not leave dirty dishes and utensils in the sink. Keep bins covered, clean, and emptied regularly. Areas such as top or beneath your refrigerator are warm and food collect their, attracting Cockroaches, so clean these areas regularly.
- Proofing and Repair – seal gaps around doors, windows, and where utility lines enter to prevent entry. If possible, repair any leaks beneath the sink, and on the sink top, immediately, thus cutting a potential water source
How to get rid of Cockroaches
Control of cockroaches is seldom easy because of the difficulty of getting the insecticide to the insect. The insecticide, ideally, should have sufficient persistence to kill the nymphs hatching later from un-hatched egg capsules.
For any Cockroach infestation, contact krypton environmental for a fast and effective service 01793 780600.
This common pest once associated with unhygienic surroundings is prevalent due to a number of reasons, including increased travel, the use of second-hand furniture, and suspected tolerance to some pesticides. These bugs still occur with regularity, particularly in multi-occupancy buildings with rapid resident turnover, for example, hostels, hotels, holiday camps and blocks of flats.
Adult Bed bugs resemble a small brown disc, measuring up to 6mm in length. It is wingless but the legs are well developed and it can crawl up most vertical surfaces. Their elongated eggs are cemented in cracks or crevices close to the hosts (which for Bed bugs are humans). The early stages of the Bed bug (nymphs) are tiny making them hard to detect with the naked eye.
Bed bugs can usually be introduced to your property as they attach to luggage, bags, and clothing. Bed bugs may also be introduced through second-hand beds, furniture, and possessions.
Bed bugs can also travel from one room to another in search of food, or, after mating. Sometimes this may be a neighbouring property which then can create new infestations throughout multi-occupied premises.
Bed bugs need to feed on the blood of a human host. However, in some cases, they can survive up to a year without feeding. Bed bug bites cause red, irritating marks/ lumps. Not everyone reacts to the bites, however, some people develop a more severe skin reaction and can experience disturbed sleep.
Bed bugs are not known to spread diseases. However, they can cause irritation and distress. Bed bugs can also ruin an organisation’s reputation. If clients and customers experience a Bed bug infestation in the premises you manage, they are likely to complain and request a refund, report on your company negatively and be unlikely to want to do business with you again.
Our fast and effective bedbug treatments will ensure that any infestation is dealt with discreetly, professionally and effectively, helping to reduce loss of revenue from rooms left offline.
Contact us to find out more about all of the services we offer.
Discovering there are fleas in your home is distressing and, due to their lifecycle, can be an uphill battle to control.
Fleas are ectoparasitic insects, meaning they live on the outside of a host animal. They feed on the blood of mammals and birds. It’s estimated that there are around 2,500 species of flea in the world.
We get three types of flea in the UK. The most common is the cat flea Ctenocephalides felis. Less often, we get dog fleas Ctenocephalides canis. While rare, we do occasionally get human flea Pulex irritans infestations.
Risk to people
In the UK at least, fleas do not commonly spread disease.
Although fleas do not pose a direct health risk, flea bites can cause intense irritation and itching to pets and humans alike.
The most problematic aspect of a flea bite on humans is the infection which can be caused by prolonged itching when left untreated.
Flea bites have been known to cause skin complaints, and can also exacerbate respiratory illnesses and cause complications.
Risk to pets
If your pet has fleas, it will suffer from a great deal of discomfort and could also have an allergic reaction to the flea’s saliva.
Lengthy periods of infestation can cause your pet to develop anemia from the loss of blood, although this is rare. (See Fleas on pets below.)
Types of flea in the UK
The most common species of flea in the UK is the Cat flea Ctenocephalides felis. They are an extremely common pest whose primary host is domestic cats, but are known for readily biting humans and dogs too.
That’s right – just because it’s called a Cat flea, it doesn’t mean the pest won’t try and bite people too!
The Dog flea Ctenocephalides canis can also use a variety of mammals as a host, but primarily targets dogs and cats.
Other types of flea to be aware of are; the Bird flea Ceratophyllus gallinae and Human flea Pulex irritans.
The Bird flea only lives for a short time but is an impressive breeder, multiplying in great numbers in habitats such as hen houses.
Finally there are Human fleas, which are now rare in the UK. They are a known carrier of plague Yersinia pestis.
Habitat: how fleas choose a home
Fleas can live on any warm-blooded animal but are often found to be living on humans, domestic animals and rodents.
When not feeding on a host, fleas are mainly active in communal rooms, places where pets sleep and wherever there is most activity.
Fleas and their eggs can be commonly found in soft furnishings which provide plenty of insulation, such as carpets, pet bedding, clothes and upholstered furniture.
If you have an active infestation, you may see fleas jumping in your carpet and furniture.

Where do fleas come from?
It’s not always obvious where they’ve come from, as even homes without pets can get flea infestations.
Around 95% of flea eggs, larvae and pupae live in the environment, not on pets.
As flea eggs can survive dormant for long periods of time, sometimes up to 18 months, it’s possible that the infestation was a problem before you even moved into your current home!
If you have pets, they can pick up fleas from other animals or places and give them a ride home.
And although it’s less common, so can humans: the fleas will hitch a ride on your clothes, your skin or hair.
People usually feel ashamed to find out they have a flea infestation, as fleas are often associated with dirty environments.
But this is a common misconception – fleas are not picky!
Although a home or business that isn’t vacuumed or cleaned is more likely to provide a better environment for fleas to thrive, they will also infest clean places in their search for a warm-blooded host.
Either way, it is crucial to solve a flea infestation without hesitation as they can quickly get out of control.
Six tell-tale signs that fleas are about
- Pets constantly scratching, licking or biting themselves may be the first sign
- Seeing fleas or flea droppings in the coat of your pet (easily spotted in light-coloured animals by brushing back the hair, in dark coated breeds it may be better to comb the animal over a sheet of paper)
- The identity of the black specks may be confirmed by adding a few drops of water: if they turn red, your pet has fleas!
- Bites on you or other members of the household, usually around ankles and legs
- If you have been holding or stroking a pet, you may find bites on your arms
- And the most obvious sign of a flea infestation? Seeing them! When they aren’t busy leeching our AB positive, fleas can often be spotted jumping around on soft furnishings.
Flea biology and behaviour
Appearance differs only very slightly for different types of flea, and often only trained professionals are able to spot the difference under a microscope.
As a group, adult fleas are wingless, flattened laterally (enabling them to move easily through fur) and vary in colour from grey to dark mahogany.
Most species have backwardly directed spines, which are designed to help them grip onto their host.
Adult Dog fleas are on average 2mm in size and brownish-black in colour (appearing to be more reddish-black after a blood meal).
Adult Cat fleas are generally bigger, on average 3mm in size.
Mating and lifespan
The lifecycle of the flea takes place in four clear stages: egg, larva, pupa and imago (adult).
Depending on environmental conditions, these stages can take between two weeks and eight months to complete.
Female fleas can live up to two years, during which time they are able to lay around 1500 eggs.
The females must first take a ‘blood meal’ from an infested animal, after which they lay their eggs.
The eggs drop onto the floor and surrounding furnishings, and after several days will develop into larvae.
Critically, they can’t lay viable eggs in the absence of the host animal blood meal.
When fully grown the larvae spin well camouflaged, silken cocoons.
Once fully developed the adult waits within the cocoon until it detects the vibrations caused by a person or animal.
It can also detect pressure, heat, noise, or carbon dioxide from potential hosts.
Only then does it emerge. The complete life cycle takes about a month in the summer.
How do fleas jump so high?
Fleas can leap at least a hundred times their own body length and have been known to hit top distances of around 200 times their length.
A marvellous feat which only appears to be rivalled in the animal kingdom by froghopper insects (yeah, we’d never heard of them either).
Fleas do this by using their hind legs as multi-jointed levers, gripping the ground for traction before crouching down and using their muscles to store energy.
When this energy is released, it acts almost like a bow and arrow, propelling the flea rapidly.
A flea’s ability to jump great distances is what enables it to switch hosts, since they are without wings.
Additionally, their legs end in strong claws which help them grip onto their host.
This, combined with their hardened shells, are adaptations which enable them to withstand intense scratching and attempts to remove them.
Contact Krypton Environmental today for a fast and effective flea eradication service 01793 780600
Birds carry a variety of diseases such as Ornithosis, Listeria and E-coli that can be transmitted to man not only from the droppings but also the birds themselves. When dry, pigeon droppings can become airborne in small particles, which can lead to respiratory complaints such as psittacosis.
Bird droppings are acidic and can corrode/erode metals, stonework and brickwork. Nesting materials birds use can block chimneys, flues and guttering, causing possible issues with carbon monoxide and damage to buildings as water overflows from blocked gutters.
Buildings covered in fouling looks unpleasant can smell, and projects a poor image of a business, potentially ruining an organisation’s reputation. If customers spot evidence of a heavy bird infestation on premises, they may not want to do business with you.
Closely linked to bird activity such as nesting are parasites such as mites, ticks, fleas and beetles. So if you have a current or past problem with birds and have done nothing, you may find you’ll suffer from a parasite infestation too.
The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 protects all wild birds, their nests and eggs. However, specific exemptions permit certain species to be controlled by particular methods for specific reasons. This exemption is given in the way of a licence issued by Natural England (other authorities apply to Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland) called the General licence. General licences are issued to allow certain actions to be carried out that would otherwise be illegal under the legislation, without the need for people to apply for a specific licence.
However, the law only allows competent people such as professional pest controllers to deal with certain species that are widely accepted to be pests. You should always consult with a professional before you consider any form of bird control measures, as the list of birds that are considered pests can change on a regular basis, and even pest species must be dealt with humanely, or you may be prosecuted.
All urban birds require to thrive is a nesting/ roosting sites (e.g. balconies, window ledges and roof areas of surrounding buildings) and reliable food sources. The number of birds attracted to an area will depend on what food is available. Therefore if birds are being fed, more will be attracted to that area, so it is essential that food sources are kept to a minimum.
How to prevent and get rid of birds
Bird prevention, proofing and control are a highly specialised skills, requiring specialist equipment and tools. Control of birds through population reduction techniques is generally both less desirable and less effective than removing their food sources or blocking off sites where they perch or roost. The latter technique, known as proofing, is now used extensively.
For proofing, professional pest controllers will use methods such as barriers, spikes, nets and wire to great effect. More recently active systems like shock strips, audible scarers and optical gels have been used to create negative associations in birds wishing to land or roost on buildings. All of these methods of proofing have their merits and some can offer a stronger and more lasting deterrent, but as with any method of control, they may become less effective over an extended period of time. For a heavy bird infestation, your professional contractor may have to employ methods of control such as shooting, trapping or flying of predatory birds.
Having problems with birds?
For any bird work, we would strongly recommend contacting a Krypton Environmental as we are full members of the BPCA. We are trained in bird control and will have access to a range of professional use products and tools which are not available to the public.
Call us today for a free survey 01793 780600
During the summer months, it’s natural to see an increase in wasps. Queen wasps emerge and start working on new nests in the Spring, as the weather gets warmer. By the Summer months, wasp nests are working overtime, with up to 300 eggs being produced every day and up to 5,000 adults feeding grubs and building the nest structure.
In the UK you’re most likely to come across the Common Wasp (Vespula vulgaris) and German Wasps (Vespula germanica). Both species are yellow and black striped, and have painful stings that can cause allergic reactions.
One of Britain’s most feared and potentially aggressive pests, wasps are known for their nasty stings and seemingly unprovoked attacks.
In reality, wasps will usually only attack a person if they feel threatened. The problem is a social wasp in distress emits a pheromone that sends nearby colony members into a defensive, stinging frenzy. That’s right – scare a wasp and it might call for backup!
Wasp stings are at best painful, and at worst fatal. If you’re sensitive to wasp stings then they can send you into anaphylaxis – a severe, potentially life-threatening allergic reaction. Children, elderly people, those with allergies, and household pets are particularly sensitive to wasp stings.
If you’re worried about a large amount of wasp activity around your home and family, contact us immediately – 01793 780 600.
Our fast and effective wasp treatments will ensure your friends and family are safe from wasp attacks.
There are several species of clothes moths, all of them characterised by folding their wings tent-wise along their backs. The adult Common Clothes Moth is 6 to 7mm long with pale, plain golden-buff wings fringed with hair. The rarer Case-Bearing Clothes Moth is duller and has three dark brown spots on each of its wings.
The adults do no damage when feeding. It is the larvae which hatch from the sticky eggs that eat wool, hair, fur or feathers – with a preference for blankets, wool carpets, wool garments or upholstery that have been soiled with perspiration or food. The grubs are white caterpillars with golden-brown heads, which spin a hiding place of characteristic loose silk webbing, beneath which they feed.
They make irregular holes in textile fabrics and pupate as silken cocoons. The Case-Bearing Clothes Moth grub produces an open ended cylindrical case of silk as it feeds, and attaches fibres of its food material to this in order to camouflage itself.
Don’t let your carpets and clothing become destroyed by moths, contact krypton environmental for a fast and effective service 01793 780600.
The commonest species that invades houses is the Black Garden Ant, which is actually very dark brown. All ants have the main divisions of the body (head, thorax, abdomen) distinctly separated by very narrow waists and have a sharp elbow joint in their antennae. They are highly organised social insects. It is the foraging worker ants that invade buildings in search of food. These are from 3 to 5mm in length and are attracted to sweet foodstuffs which they take back to the nest to feed to the larvae and queen.
The so-called ant’s eggs sold for aquaria fish are actually the pupae. Flying ants are the reproductive males and females. These mating ants are winged and have a nuptial swarming flight during only a few days in July or August. Mating takes place in the air and the female then seeks out a nest site where she stays for the winter, laying eggs the following spring in order to start up a new colony.
How to deal with Ants
First, find the nest entrances. These are indicated by small piles of earth pellets or can be located by watching the ants moving back and forth from nest to food.
Pouring a kettle of boiling water over the nest site is a first-aid measure.
Some products cause the workers to destroy their own nests, for example, sugar based liquid bait. The workers are attracted to the bait and carry the insecticide back to the larvae and queen. Some centrally heated blocks of flats may be troubled by the much smaller tropical Pharaoh’s Ant, which prefers protein to sweet foods and has multiple – and often inaccessible – nests within the building structure.
Ghost Ants are becoming more common in heated buildings. These are a similar size to Pharaoh’s ants and is pale coloured with a dark thorax and head. Control must be left to professional operators.
If you have a problem with ants, contact krypton environmental for a fast and effective service 01793 780600.
A term used for the destructive larvae of the Common Furniture Beetle. The first sign of woodworm is the appearance of neat round holes, 2mm across, in wooden surfaces, often accompanied by tiny piles of wood dust beneath them. Fresh holes show clean white wood inside. Emerging adult beetles make the holes. Immature grubs may still be tunnelling away inside the wood.
The adult Furniture Beetle is a small brown insect 3mm to 6mm long which flies quite readily. It lays eggs on rough, unpolished wood and the grubs bore straight into the wood – leaving no trace until they emerge as beetles three years or so later, usually between May and September.
Woodworm is frequently introduced into the house in second-hand furniture, tea chests or wicker-work; but the beetles are quite capable of flying in through a window from nearby dead branches of trees. They may then attack floorboards, joinery and, more seriously, structural timbers such as rafters and joists.
Other wood borers include:
- Death Watch Beetle, which infests only large old hardwood beams; the House Longhorn, confined – at least for the moment – to North West Surrey
- Powder Post Beetle which needs a diet of starch in certain hardwoods, and wood boring weevils, which are associated with wet rot and die out when it is treated.
contact krypton environmental for a fast and effective service 01793 780600.
Commercial Pest Control
Pest prevention services for the Food & Beverage industry, Hospitals, Schools & Colleges, Farms, Hotels, Warehouses, Offices and more.
Commercial Pest Control
Pest prevention services for the Food & Beverage industry, Hospitals, Schools & Colleges, Farms, Hotels, Warehouses, Offices and more.
Domestic Pest Control
Safe treatments for all types of pests to ensure your home is kept free from infestation and prevent costly damage.
About Krypton Environmental
Swindon’s newest pest control company, Krypton Environmental was formed in 2019 and became part of Nanogreen Sustainable Facilities Management in 2022 with over 10 years in the pest control industry.